Sunday, May 11, 2008
Ohio's AWA act?
I got an interesting certified letter from my County sheriff yesterday. It seems under Ohio's new AWA act I am tardy with my new registration requirments and if I do not get to the sheriff's office by Thursday I will be charged with a felony.
HHHHmmmm this doesnt sound like a civil action to me it sounds downright criminal. Also the letter reads that I have been convicted and classified as a tier 2 sex offender.
Now I remember my conviction 8 years ago where I signed a paper stating that I had to register as a sexually Oriented offender for 10 years.I even remember filing my challenge to re classificagtion under the AWA act last December but I must have blocked out all of this other due process this letter implies I have had.
My crime has also changed from attempted corruption of a minor to unlawful sexual conduct with a Minor withjout any explanation or notification. I am honestly perplexed as to what criteria they used to give me such a bump in rank as I look at others on my county list that have the same crime listed next the their names they are still classisified as tier 1.
In any case I guess I had better go see my local donut chomper so that this civil case does not end in a felony conviction. What a country
HHHHmmmm this doesnt sound like a civil action to me it sounds downright criminal. Also the letter reads that I have been convicted and classified as a tier 2 sex offender.
Now I remember my conviction 8 years ago where I signed a paper stating that I had to register as a sexually Oriented offender for 10 years.I even remember filing my challenge to re classificagtion under the AWA act last December but I must have blocked out all of this other due process this letter implies I have had.
My crime has also changed from attempted corruption of a minor to unlawful sexual conduct with a Minor withjout any explanation or notification. I am honestly perplexed as to what criteria they used to give me such a bump in rank as I look at others on my county list that have the same crime listed next the their names they are still classisified as tier 1.
In any case I guess I had better go see my local donut chomper so that this civil case does not end in a felony conviction. What a country
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Ohio's AWA Champion Forced to admit SEXUAL misconduct in office
Ohio attorney general admits to affair with employeeBy JULIE CARR SMYTH – 1 day ago COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio's attorney general admitted an extramarital affair with an employee Friday, soon after three of his aides were fired or forced out after an investigation found evidence of sexual harassment and other misconduct.Leader of both parties were critical of Attorney General Marc Dann, one of several Democrats swept into office in 2006 after a scandal over state investments sullied Republicans. He apologized to his wife and supporters but promised not to step down."I'm embarrassed. I have taken responsibility for what I've done," he told reporters.Dann had lived with two of the aides at an apartment during much of his first year in office and some of the alleged harassment by one of the aides occurred there."I did not create an atmosphere in my public and personal life that is consistent with the important mission of the Office of Attorney General ...," Dann said. "I am heartbroken by my failure to recognize the problems being created and by my failure to stop them."Ohio GOP deputy chairman Kevin DeWine called for Dann's resignation, saying he turned the attorney general's office into a "raunchy frat pad."Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland said the investigation showed a "double standard" with Dann staying while some employees were let go.Dann, 46, said the affair was consensual and refused to disclose the name of the employee. He said the relationship came during a difficult time in his marriage, but that it "was wrong and I deeply regret it."Dann's scheduler, Jessica Utovich, with whom he had a close relationship in which they often used profanity, nicknames and teasing when e-mailing each other, resigned voluntarily, said Tom Winters, first assistant attorney general. He did not give a reason.When interviewed for the sexual harassment investigation conducted by assistant attorneys general, Dann said Utovich stayed overnight at an apartment he shared with the two aides for a variety of reasons that he would not discuss. During her interview, Utovich would not say whether she ever stayed overnight at the apartment during her interview.Utovich and Dann's wife, Alyssa Lenhoff, did not immediately return messages seeking comment.Both aides Dann lived with were fired after the results of the investigation were released Friday. Investigators found that Anthony Gutierrez, who led Dann's general services office, violated sexual harassment policy, and Leo Jennings, Dann's former communications chief, is accused of trying to get a worker to lie when interviewed under oath.Investigators say Edgar Simpson, Dann's policy chief, was forced to resign for failing to address inappropriate behavior. Simpson had knowledge of Gutierrez's history of policy violations, the investigation report said.Dann emerged into state politics as an appointed state senator with a small private law office, and became the face of the Democrats' charge against a scandal over state investments that contributed to the Ohio GOP's devastating election losses in 2006. He defeated a better known and more experienced Republican.As Ohio's top law enforcer, he has taken on the nation's largest insurance brokerage, the mortgage lending industry, student loan providers, MySpace and the big three credit rating agencies, among others. His crime-fighting led to comparisons with New York's Eliot Spitzer, who became governor after he was attorney general and recently resigned in a prostitution scandal.Dann had removed himself from the sexual harassment investigation.Gutierrez was accused by two women he supervised — Cindy Stankoski and Vanessa Stout, both 26 — of making unwanted advances and vulgar remarks.Stankoski said she went to the apartment near Columbus shared by Dann, Gutierrez and Jennings for pizza and drinks. She said she fell asleep drunk at the condo and when she awoke, her pants were unbuttoned and Gutierrez was lying next to her in his underwear.When it was apparent Stankoski had too much to drink, arrangements should have been made to get her home, investigators said.Stout alleged that Gutierrez repeatedly asked her for sex, suggesting she "owed" him for helping her land a state job.The investigation also found that Gutierrez violated policies that prohibit driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The report detailed an incident where Gutierrez allegedly was drinking with other employees while driving a state vehicle.The matter is now under investigation by the State Highway Patrol.Rex Elliott, the attorney for Stout and Stankoski, said both women feel vindicated."There are questions that go all the way to the top of that office about how the leader of that office allowed this environment to persist," he said.Messages left for Gutierrez's attorney, Sam Amendolara, were not immediately returned. No phone listing for Simpson could be found.Dann is the third high-ranking official around the country to be marred by sexual scandal in recent months. Spitzer resigned abruptly in March after revelations that he had been a customer of a high-end call girl service. And Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is charged with perjury, misconduct and obstruction of justice for accusations that he tried to hide a long-term romantic relationship with his former chief of staff.
Hello Mr Dann: I am one of the RSO'S that you were trying to further punish with your premature politically motivated passage of the AWA act.
You will have to excuse my choice of words but I can only tell you that I sit here in "orgasmic Joy" as I watch YOUR PUBLIC HUMILATION being forced to admit that you had at least one sexual affair outside of your marriage.
Also your claim that you will not resign warms my heart because it means days or even weeks of watching you squirm under the pressure.
There are claims that your office was more a frat house rather than the top law enforcement office of the state. Your career is OVER MR DANN and this will haunt you for the rest of your life.
I am a zealous advocate for former offender rights and my name and address has appeared in the local newspapers a few times as a result of that.
Mr Dann? You are the talk of the state in local pubs as well as all legal circles churches and everywhere else in the state of Ohio. You will ALWAYS be known as the PERVERT Attorney General.
How does it make you feel now that everyone knows about your personal failures as a man? You will not have to go down and register anywhere Mr. Dann but it warms my heart to know that you will never get past this scandal as long as you live. You have no idea the pain and shame that are in store for you , but I do.
Abandon all hope you are a disgrace to the Office and you know it. You will eventually resign in humiliation and you know it. You will FOREVER be remembered for this event and it brings cheer to my heart.
Hello Mr Dann: I am one of the RSO'S that you were trying to further punish with your premature politically motivated passage of the AWA act.
You will have to excuse my choice of words but I can only tell you that I sit here in "orgasmic Joy" as I watch YOUR PUBLIC HUMILATION being forced to admit that you had at least one sexual affair outside of your marriage.
Also your claim that you will not resign warms my heart because it means days or even weeks of watching you squirm under the pressure.
There are claims that your office was more a frat house rather than the top law enforcement office of the state. Your career is OVER MR DANN and this will haunt you for the rest of your life.
I am a zealous advocate for former offender rights and my name and address has appeared in the local newspapers a few times as a result of that.
Mr Dann? You are the talk of the state in local pubs as well as all legal circles churches and everywhere else in the state of Ohio. You will ALWAYS be known as the PERVERT Attorney General.
How does it make you feel now that everyone knows about your personal failures as a man? You will not have to go down and register anywhere Mr. Dann but it warms my heart to know that you will never get past this scandal as long as you live. You have no idea the pain and shame that are in store for you , but I do.
Abandon all hope you are a disgrace to the Office and you know it. You will eventually resign in humiliation and you know it. You will FOREVER be remembered for this event and it brings cheer to my heart.
Monday, March 24, 2008
State-funded therapy for sex offenders halted
Psychologist, sheriff call cuts dangerous By Carl Chancellor Beacon Journal staff writerPublished on Sunday, Mar 23, 2008 Recent cuts to Ohio's prison budget means the state has stopped paying for counseling services for paroled sex offenders across the state, including the more than 800 supervised sex offenders living in Akron. Those cuts are a great concern to Dr. James A. Orlando of Summit Psychological Associates, which at any given time treats between 125 and 200 sex offenders in Summit, Stark, Portage, Tuscarawas and Mahoning counties. ''This is a dangerous situation . . . It's a serious public safety issue,'' said Orlando, a trained clinical psychologist. Orlando said the decision by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to no longer pay for the treatment of paroled sex offenders beginning in March,means that there are high-risk sex offenders, who represent a very real danger to children and adults, walking the streets of Akron unchecked. ''They are being left to their own devices not to re-offend. If we don't find a way to manage them in the community, there are going to be more sex offenses and more people are going to be victimized,'' Orlando said. As part of trimming the department's $1.7 billion-plus budget for 2008 by $71 million, it was decided to no longer pay for the counseling and treatment of paroled sex offenders. ''The cuts came without any warning. We got a letter on Feb. 28 that said on March 3, the program would be cut,'' Orlando said. As a consequence, his and other counseling agencies across the state are scrambling to provide crucial treatment services to paroled sex offenders. ''We've set up a sliding scale and are offering minimal co-pay (options),'' Orlando said. The hope is if the treatment programs are as affordable as possible, sex offenders will voluntarily seek treatment for their conditions. However, Orlando is dubious. He said many paroled sex offenders are unemployed and find it difficult to find jobs because of their felony records. ''They just can't pay for treatment,'' Orlando said. He said the state payment of about $35 per client for a group counseling session made it possible for sex offenders to go into treatment. Orlando said he plans to approach county mental health boards for possible funding. Summit County Sheriff Drew Alexander shares Orlando's concerns. ''Without treatment, the odds go up that they are going to re-offend,'' Alexander said. He called the situation a real ''Catch 22.'' ''They are told that as a condition of parole they have to seek treatment, but the state is no longer going to pay for it . . . I'm just dumbfounded. I don't understand it,'' Alexander said. Budget cuts Linda Janes, the ODRC's deputy director of the division of parole and community services, said the cuts were an unavoidable consequence of budget constraints. ''As part of our cost-savings effort we've cut all external treatment contracts statewide,'' Janes said. She said the department previously spent roughly $1.3 million a year funding external treatment programs for sex offenders. ''We feel absolutely awful about the cuts but it's a consequence of the budget crisis,'' Janes said. She said the ODRC has taken a ''multifaceted'' approach to cost-cutting, which in addition to eliminating external contracts, includes making staff cuts and other cost-savings initiatives. One of those initiatives, Janes said, has been to shift the task of counseling paroled sex offenders to the department's Adult Parole Authority. ''We are in the process of training in-house staff now to provide that treatment. Hopefully, that will begin in May,'' Janes said. She said sex offenders on parole will be able to go to adult parole offices, which are located in every county, for treatment and counseling. Coping strategies Summit Psychological Associates and Orlando have for more than 20 years been providing sex offender treatment, which is modeled on the Alcoholic Anonymous approach. ''Since 1984, we've been teaching sex offenders to recognize high-risk factors and we help them develop strategies and behavioral controls to allow them to live out the rest of their lives without re-offending,'' Orlando said. Still, Orlando admits that there is no way to cure a sex offender. He said the group therapy sessions provided by his agency, which initially are offered weekly and then on a monthly basis, teach offenders behavioral controls that make it much less likely they will re-offend. Orlando said the ''heart of sex-offender treatment'' is to give offenders the tools to control their urges. ''Even though you (an offender) will still have deviant desires, you won't act on it,'' Orlando said. ''But right now we have a situation where these guys are getting out of prison with no training and without the tools to know how to cope with their urges . . . Without treatment, all we are doing is increasing the likelihood that some little girl or little boy is going to be molested, that someone is going to be victimized, that someone is going to be hurt,'' Orlando said. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carl Chancellor can be reached at 330-996-3725 or
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Mark Lunsford Forced to question his father about Jessica after child porn Found
Today at 09:46:08 AM
Has anyone else noticed how the media has completely ignored the fact that child porn was found on Mark Lunsford's computer? I guess a story like that might blemish this crusader for the children? Watch this clip as Mark is forced to question his own father about Jessica's death. The grandfather was the main suspect before those geniuses found Jesse's body. If it bleeds it leads? If you can add sex to violence and turn criminals into hero's in the name of ratings then this is a true case of media deception. check out this Florida cops views on stranger danger. watch the news everyday why has it taken me years to learn this information? Here is another clip that tugs at the heartstrings. Of course it is a tradgedy that this innocent child was raped and murdered but how long will these knee jerk do nothing laws be the rule instead of the exception. Child pornography was found on Mark Lunsfords computer. Mark Lunsford is sueing the police department for Millions to cash in on his daughters death. A true champion? This is a sad commentary on our dumbed down country.
Today at 09:46:08 AM
Has anyone else noticed how the media has completely ignored the fact that child porn was found on Mark Lunsford's computer? I guess a story like that might blemish this crusader for the children? Watch this clip as Mark is forced to question his own father about Jessica's death. The grandfather was the main suspect before those geniuses found Jesse's body. If it bleeds it leads? If you can add sex to violence and turn criminals into hero's in the name of ratings then this is a true case of media deception. check out this Florida cops views on stranger danger. watch the news everyday why has it taken me years to learn this information? Here is another clip that tugs at the heartstrings. Of course it is a tradgedy that this innocent child was raped and murdered but how long will these knee jerk do nothing laws be the rule instead of the exception. Child pornography was found on Mark Lunsfords computer. Mark Lunsford is sueing the police department for Millions to cash in on his daughters death. A true champion? This is a sad commentary on our dumbed down country.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Second Chance Discussion Forum NOW OPEN!!!
Come one come all. The 2nd chance Forum is again up and running. We welcome any and all comments and opinions and Haters are more than welcome.
Please stop and Join the blog I welcome everyone to come in and learn, vent ,contribute , rebuke or just plain read whats going on. It only takes a minute to sign up so come and be part of the solution.
Thank You
Please stop and Join the blog I welcome everyone to come in and learn, vent ,contribute , rebuke or just plain read whats going on. It only takes a minute to sign up so come and be part of the solution.
Thank You
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Even though my opinion is biased because of my status and personal horrible experiences with the ever changing RSO punishments I could not make up such a damning and revealing interview as this vigilante leader has provided free of charge. Those of you that have law enforcement and/or mental health experience please note the body language inappropriate giggling and fidgeting displayed by this mentally unstable person. I bet she thought she was going into the usual biased hatchet job interview where she would be depicted as a crusader for children.Funny how she fidgets and wilts under the weight of honest questions. Watch her eyes and body language as she squirms knowing she is finally being exposed as the liar she is. Here is the link to the interview.
I had to watch it twice. I am still reeling in disbelief at the fact that a national news program has finally taken on this issue backed up by something close to the real statistics along with balanced journalism.
This is the first real departure from the norm. This is the first time that I know of where something close to the “other side” of the story has been presented and aired instead of the usual “hatchet job” that we have become so used to.
They held Petra Looney’s feet to the fire and simply made a rational comparison between her site and Jan Kruska’s site Operation Awareness and the insanity hate and venom “CLEARLY” showed thru.
The segment also showed another vigilante who picks and chooses who she decides to print flyers about then she takes it upon herself to pass them out. John Walsh, Marc Klass, Mark Lunsford, and so many others have taken out their hate and bloodlust upon the RSO community becoming the very monsters they say they are crusading against and it is FINALLY EXPOSED.
I think Jan stand’s a very good chance of winning her lawsuit because she has the documented facts on her side. I will go as far as saying that I feel the tide is starting to slow as the sex offender Goldmine starts to tap out.
Mark Foley co sponsored the AWA act that is slated to become law in all 50 states. Then gets busted sending sexual solicitations to teenaged boys online? New York’s governor who was so tuff on prostitution is now fully exposed and busted committing the same crimes he has rallied against?
Thousands of Teenagers across America are now on the RSO list their young lives forever altered because someone was 2 weeks below the legal limit?
I loved the interview with the father that regretted beating up a teenaged boy stating that if he had it to do over he would tie a rope around his neck and drag him down every highway.
The hate and venom along with the political gold that these cases bring was “FINALLY” exposed as the Arizona lawmaker was interviewed. He was clearly unconcerned about the collateral damage that these laws create but seemed a little stunned about actually getting called on it.
It was a true victory to watch the facts finally discussed and to watch a national news magazine finally question what has been sold as facts by the likes of Mark Foley and others was truly refreshing.
Please visit for video clips and more about cases shown on 20/20 as well as the other issues concerning us in the RSO community.
This is the first real departure from the norm. This is the first time that I know of where something close to the “other side” of the story has been presented and aired instead of the usual “hatchet job” that we have become so used to.
They held Petra Looney’s feet to the fire and simply made a rational comparison between her site and Jan Kruska’s site Operation Awareness and the insanity hate and venom “CLEARLY” showed thru.
The segment also showed another vigilante who picks and chooses who she decides to print flyers about then she takes it upon herself to pass them out. John Walsh, Marc Klass, Mark Lunsford, and so many others have taken out their hate and bloodlust upon the RSO community becoming the very monsters they say they are crusading against and it is FINALLY EXPOSED.
I think Jan stand’s a very good chance of winning her lawsuit because she has the documented facts on her side. I will go as far as saying that I feel the tide is starting to slow as the sex offender Goldmine starts to tap out.
Mark Foley co sponsored the AWA act that is slated to become law in all 50 states. Then gets busted sending sexual solicitations to teenaged boys online? New York’s governor who was so tuff on prostitution is now fully exposed and busted committing the same crimes he has rallied against?
Thousands of Teenagers across America are now on the RSO list their young lives forever altered because someone was 2 weeks below the legal limit?
I loved the interview with the father that regretted beating up a teenaged boy stating that if he had it to do over he would tie a rope around his neck and drag him down every highway.
The hate and venom along with the political gold that these cases bring was “FINALLY” exposed as the Arizona lawmaker was interviewed. He was clearly unconcerned about the collateral damage that these laws create but seemed a little stunned about actually getting called on it.
It was a true victory to watch the facts finally discussed and to watch a national news magazine finally question what has been sold as facts by the likes of Mark Foley and others was truly refreshing.
Please visit for video clips and more about cases shown on 20/20 as well as the other issues concerning us in the RSO community.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Ex-Reserve Deputy Charged With Child Seduction
Police: Man Admitted Inappropriate Contact With Boy
POSTED: 7:35 am EST February 29, 2008
LEBANON, Ind. -- A former Boone County reserve deputy is accused of seducing a child in an incident at his home last week.
Randy Wise (pictured), 31, faces one count of child seduction. Authorities said he admitted performing a sex act on a 16-year-old boy, 6News' Renee Jameson reported.
The teen told investigators that he met Wise at a church and spent the night at his rural Lebanon house last Friday after working with him at a school concert.
"The boy is telling us that Mr. Wise, while the boy was sleeping on the couch, started to fondle him … and had him touch him in inappropriate places," said Boone County sheriff's Maj. Mike Nielsen.
Wise resigned as a reserve deputy at the Boone County Sheriff's Department last May. He also once worked at Witham Hospital in Lebanon.
"That is one of the most disturbing things about this case -- that it was against a child and it was somebody that the public has entrusted, used to entrust, to be a police officer in Boone County, to be an EMT, to be a paramedic," Nielsen said. "There's basically no trust there anymore."
Before he bonded out of jail on Monday, Wise told police that the victim had told the truth, that he was sorry and that there are no other victims.
"I can tell you that if we continue this investigation and we find more allegations that have taken place, we will present those to the prosecutor's office," Nielsen said.
Police said they have no indication that additional crimes took place, but they are continuing to investigate.
If Wise is convicted, he could face up to three years in prison.
Police: Man Admitted Inappropriate Contact With Boy
POSTED: 7:35 am EST February 29, 2008
LEBANON, Ind. -- A former Boone County reserve deputy is accused of seducing a child in an incident at his home last week.
Randy Wise (pictured), 31, faces one count of child seduction. Authorities said he admitted performing a sex act on a 16-year-old boy, 6News' Renee Jameson reported.
The teen told investigators that he met Wise at a church and spent the night at his rural Lebanon house last Friday after working with him at a school concert.
"The boy is telling us that Mr. Wise, while the boy was sleeping on the couch, started to fondle him … and had him touch him in inappropriate places," said Boone County sheriff's Maj. Mike Nielsen.
Wise resigned as a reserve deputy at the Boone County Sheriff's Department last May. He also once worked at Witham Hospital in Lebanon.
"That is one of the most disturbing things about this case -- that it was against a child and it was somebody that the public has entrusted, used to entrust, to be a police officer in Boone County, to be an EMT, to be a paramedic," Nielsen said. "There's basically no trust there anymore."
Before he bonded out of jail on Monday, Wise told police that the victim had told the truth, that he was sorry and that there are no other victims.
"I can tell you that if we continue this investigation and we find more allegations that have taken place, we will present those to the prosecutor's office," Nielsen said.
Police said they have no indication that additional crimes took place, but they are continuing to investigate.
If Wise is convicted, he could face up to three years in prison.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
James Barbour Pleads Guilty to Endangering Welfare of a Minor
By: Brian Scott Lipton · Jan 3, 2008 · New York
James BarbourActor James Barbour has pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of "endangering the welfare of a minor," in relation to an incident that happened with a 15-year-old female fan during the run of the 2001 Broadway musical Jane Eyre, according to the Associated Press. He is expected to receive a 60-day jail sentence and three years of probation on February 29.
Barbour originally pleaded not guilty to nine counts of engaging in criminal sexual abuse, sexual abuse, and endangering the welfare of a child. According to AP, Barbour has now admitted he sexually touched the girl when she visited him backstage and when she visited his apartment at a later date. He will not have to register as a sex offender, since the new charges are misdemeanors.
Barbour most recently appeared on stage in Florida in the world premiere of A Tale of Two Cities. His other Broadway credits include Assassins, Carousel, and Beauty and the Beast.
{As some of you know I have been taking a few days off after the death of my father. I had actually shed tears of shame today because I know that it is now impossible to live in a world where my name has been cleared"so to speak" in the eyes of my father.
My father was the ONLY one that was in my corner, due or die, thru my conviction and all the witch hunts that followed. It is true that he may have underestimated what I had done being naturally biased but that shrinks and pales in comparison to what Is now passing as justice in our country.
This man committed a very similar crime but because he had connections and a good Attorney he got a pass. This is not a letter to bitch and whine about his good luck this is an open letter for the doubters and haters to TAKE A LOOK at the DOUBLE STANDARD slapping you in the face.
If you cheer my pain I say "drink your fill" on my pain and despair and eat your pound of flesh.
I am one of those evil sex offenders and deserve any injustice that comes my way?
Fine, Just remember this!!
I am someones son. My father served his country defending the constitition that is now being shit upon. My father grew up in a country where people did not expect the "government" to be their babysitter.
My father grew up in a country where a man could make a mistake, was held accountable for that mistake, then was square with the house again.
Justice in our nation, now, more than ever comes down to who you know and how good Your Attorney is. What happened with the 15 year old girl back at his apartment? Who will speak for this "innocent child"? Will "Dateline" do a special?
Drink your fill on my pain and heartache just dont be suprised when the Gestapo comes knocking on your door one day soon because you drink and drive or are not a right wing christian or your a muslim or you have the bad genes.
Do not complain as you walk the plank onto the train to go off to the camp.
As with all great societies America is declining in fact it is dying but we are all to busy watching wrastling and nascar to see it
To the haters I say this!
I accept your hate and your venom but you can shove your sympathy up your ass.
It is honestly I that pity you}
James BarbourActor James Barbour has pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of "endangering the welfare of a minor," in relation to an incident that happened with a 15-year-old female fan during the run of the 2001 Broadway musical Jane Eyre, according to the Associated Press. He is expected to receive a 60-day jail sentence and three years of probation on February 29.
Barbour originally pleaded not guilty to nine counts of engaging in criminal sexual abuse, sexual abuse, and endangering the welfare of a child. According to AP, Barbour has now admitted he sexually touched the girl when she visited him backstage and when she visited his apartment at a later date. He will not have to register as a sex offender, since the new charges are misdemeanors.
Barbour most recently appeared on stage in Florida in the world premiere of A Tale of Two Cities. His other Broadway credits include Assassins, Carousel, and Beauty and the Beast.
{As some of you know I have been taking a few days off after the death of my father. I had actually shed tears of shame today because I know that it is now impossible to live in a world where my name has been cleared"so to speak" in the eyes of my father.
My father was the ONLY one that was in my corner, due or die, thru my conviction and all the witch hunts that followed. It is true that he may have underestimated what I had done being naturally biased but that shrinks and pales in comparison to what Is now passing as justice in our country.
This man committed a very similar crime but because he had connections and a good Attorney he got a pass. This is not a letter to bitch and whine about his good luck this is an open letter for the doubters and haters to TAKE A LOOK at the DOUBLE STANDARD slapping you in the face.
If you cheer my pain I say "drink your fill" on my pain and despair and eat your pound of flesh.
I am one of those evil sex offenders and deserve any injustice that comes my way?
Fine, Just remember this!!
I am someones son. My father served his country defending the constitition that is now being shit upon. My father grew up in a country where people did not expect the "government" to be their babysitter.
My father grew up in a country where a man could make a mistake, was held accountable for that mistake, then was square with the house again.
Justice in our nation, now, more than ever comes down to who you know and how good Your Attorney is. What happened with the 15 year old girl back at his apartment? Who will speak for this "innocent child"? Will "Dateline" do a special?
Drink your fill on my pain and heartache just dont be suprised when the Gestapo comes knocking on your door one day soon because you drink and drive or are not a right wing christian or your a muslim or you have the bad genes.
Do not complain as you walk the plank onto the train to go off to the camp.
As with all great societies America is declining in fact it is dying but we are all to busy watching wrastling and nascar to see it
To the haters I say this!
I accept your hate and your venom but you can shove your sympathy up your ass.
It is honestly I that pity you}
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