Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ohio's AWA act?

I got an interesting certified letter from my County sheriff yesterday. It seems under Ohio's new AWA act I am tardy with my new registration requirments and if I do not get to the sheriff's office by Thursday I will be charged with a felony.

HHHHmmmm this doesnt sound like a civil action to me it sounds downright criminal. Also the letter reads that I have been convicted and classified as a tier 2 sex offender.

Now I remember my conviction 8 years ago where I signed a paper stating that I had to register as a sexually Oriented offender for 10 years.I even remember filing my challenge to re classificagtion under the AWA act last December but I must have blocked out all of this other due process this letter implies I have had.

My crime has also changed from attempted corruption of a minor to unlawful sexual conduct with a Minor withjout any explanation or notification. I am honestly perplexed as to what criteria they used to give me such a bump in rank as I look at others on my county list that have the same crime listed next the their names they are still classisified as tier 1.

In any case I guess I had better go see my local donut chomper so that this civil case does not end in a felony conviction. What a country

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